Training and Testimonials

Kirsten-Mia Hickey

Chef (2000-08) SA and abroad. Graduate of Christina Martin School of Food and wine.
Top Sales Exec @MINI (2008 - 2018).

YTT200 (2017) @Samahita Thailand - Paul Dallaghan, Arielle Nash.
Aerial Yoga TT50 (2018) - Julie Fowler.

Swedish Massage (2020) Durban Massage Courses - Dr Mike Gill.

Living Yoga 20hrs (2022) online with Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor.

Ongoing advanced training attendance in asana, anatomy, pranayama, meditation and philosophy @Samahita (2022/23/24)

ATT100 Advanced pranayama and philosophy @Samahita (2023)

Stay in touch! Follow my social media pages for updates and events. Peace and love xxx Kirst


1.) Kirsten is a very patient teacher, sharing her knowledge of this practice with grace and humour. She’s very attentive and made each practice suitable for our needs. Her love and knowledge of Yoga is unmatched. Through her guidance, I have learnt to not force myself into postures and to be more connected with a calm breath. Her knowledge and support has allowed me to understand my body better and to delve deeper into my practice. She is the embodiment of living Yoga of the mat, as she always emphasized healing, learning, and acceptance - teaching us that yoga is not just the pose but how we live our every day lives and the choices we make. There is still so many things I can say. A fantastic teacher turned friend. If you have the opportunity to take a class or do a private lesson with her, I guarantee it will change your life for the better. Thank you for everything Kirst. Namaste xx (Nivona)

2.) Love, love, love Kirsten's classes! She gets to know every individual's strengths and abilities, and spends time helping & correcting you. With so many different styles of yoga to choose from, I highly recommend Kirst's classes. Oh, and you're guaranteed to have a laugh because she's got the best sense of humour. (Vyonne)

3.) Kirst, is soulful and radiates love and light. Her classes vary and always suit where we are and what we need. (Kath)

4.) I am a 63 year old woman, diabetic, 2 shoulder replacements, arthritis in my hand and hip and to my absolute horror decided to start yoga with Kirst after a 5 year break from any form of exercise or movement. I thought I'd do one on one classes didn't want to embarrass myself. It was hard no lies but what a difference it has made to my life. I feel so much stronger and confident with my body after only a couple of months. We have done such a lot of strengthing exercises. Kirst is amazing, she hasn't forced me to do anything I am not comfortable with, we have done such a variety of work, her knowledge of the body and how it works is mind blowing. Sometimes when I am tired or sore we just do holding stretching poses (Yin) and breathing, I feel so good in mind and body. Thanks Kirst love you to the moon and back!" (Lezly)

5.) Kirsten and I met many moons ago under totally different circumstances. I was totally intrigued by her change from a very successful corporation environment to mastering and committing to a passion she shares with all who meet her. I joined Kirsten for a one on one restorative healing yoga, in her Westbrook home, The Ubuntu Shala a few months ago. The journey of healing, practicing mindfulness, gratitude and self love has been powerful. Dedicated, passionate and knowledgeable she has assisted me in healing body, mind and spirit . It’s been a journey of growth and understanding and I'm grateful to rediscover me. Breathe. Namaste xxx. (Mariella)